Best Year Yet

What if 2019 was your best year yet? What if it was your healthiest year, strongest year, friendliest year? What if it was your most spiritual year and your most financially successful year?

These are the questions that I’m wrestling with on November 20, 2018. I’m headed home to visit my family this weekend. Spending time with family often brings a sense of nostalgia. Family is one of the strongest reminders in our lives about what “was.” We get to reminisce and talk about all of the things that happened this year. We get to rehash some of the fun experiences that we’ve had. But I don’t like living there. I don’t like letting my mind stay in the past. I’m grateful. I’m super grateful. Without the people that have blessed me I wouldn’t have anything in this life. But gratefulness and contentment are not the enemies of progress.

As we focus on the people and things we’re grateful for I think we have a responsibility to think about how we can give back. How can we make the world a better place next year? Not “THE WORLD” but your world. Your neighborhood. Your workplace. Your family.

For me I think it starts with my, “inner life.” My relationship with Jesus. Am I reading my Bible? Am I judging “success” like He would judge success? Am I thinking about people the way He thought about people?

Then it moves to my physical body. What kind of fuel am I putting in the machine? Am I sleeping the right amount? Am I drinking enough water? Am I exercising regularly?

Then my relationship with my wife. How are we doing? Are we communicating well? Are we spending enough time together? Am I being supportive, encouraging and loving on a regular basis?

Then my career. Am I getting better at my craft? Am I being genuine in my interactions with clients? Am I working hard enough? Am I working too hard? Am I headed down the right path?

I think I should probably be spending time on some other items like charity, extended family, friendships, etc. However, these are the things I’m thinking about.

What are you thinking about to make 2019 your best year yet?